Dr. Cristina Gans
BSc. (Hons), BVSc. (Distinction), MVS.
Cristina is originally from Florida where she completed a BSc. (Biology and Chemistry with honours) at the University of Miami. She moved to New Zealand to study veterinary medicine and completed a BVSc. (with distinction) in 2008 at Massey University. After university, she enjoyed living in New Zealand so much that she decided to stay permanently and spent the next 9 years in companion animal practice. Having harboured a love of a pathology since vet school, Cristina returned to Massey University to complete a three-year residency and masters program in anatomic pathology. She is currently studying for the ACVP board examination in anatomic pathology while starting an internship at Awanui Veterinary Pathology.
Cristina enjoys all aspect of veterinary pathology, particularly cytology and dermatopathology and is looking forward to working with veterinarians in this context.
When not studying or working, she enjoys hiking, reading fiction and travelling to exotic places.