About Us

Geoff Orbell

Dr Geoff Orbell

BSc., DipSci (Dist), BVSc (Dist), MVS (Hons), Diplomate ACVP, Registered Specialist Veterinary Anatomical Pathology

Geoff graduated with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 2000 from Massey University, after completing a postgraduate Science degree. He then worked for two years as a production animal clinician in New Zealand, followed by another two years in mixed practice in England and Scotland.

He returned to New Zealand to complete a Residency and a Master’s in Veterinary Studies at Massey University. Afterward, he taught veterinary pathology at Washington State University and successfully passed the ACVP Board exams. Geoff has since worked as a veterinary pathologist in laboratories across Australia and New Zealand and is now a registered Specialist in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology.

Geoff enjoys both anatomic and clinical pathology and his client-focussed, practical approach is one of his strengths. He has gained expertise and local recognition for production animal pathology, herd health investigations, dermatopathology and oncologic pathology.

Outside of work his time is mostly spent with his family on their sheep and beef farm at Hiwinui. Given the chance, Geoff loves to dive, hunt, fish or brew all-grain beer.