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Sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis

ROB FAIRLEYIt has been about eight years since the first case of sporadic bovine encephalomyelitis (SBE) was diagnosed in New Zealand. The causative organism, Chlamydophila pecorum, was however isolated much earlier (2000) in a healthy goat on a Waikato farm as part of an investigation*.Since the first diagnosis of SBE in cattle, many outbreaks of […]

Regional trace element trends

In April 2019 we upgraded our trace element reporting to include cumulative results for routine screening.  This year our outstanding team of programmers have gone an extra step, and we are now able to report cumulative results for a farm PLUS local regional trends for a specific trace element.Cumulative reporting can be used to identify […]

Case of the month

Clinical history:A seven-year-old female rabbit was presented for a  swelling on the right hind limb, which was worsening after being first noticed two weeks previously. At presentation, the rabbit had muscle atrophy in both hind limbs, with a hairless, nodular mass noted directly above the right calcaneus. The mass was sampled by fine needle aspirate […]

Fancy a needle with that?

There are many sample types that need to be collected with a syringe and needle.  Our online Veterinary Handbook covers sample collection requirements for cytology and urinalysis, and interestingly enough, we don’t once mention that we’d like to receive a needle with any of these fluids or biopsies!Surprisingly often, we receive needles on syringes with […]

Case of the month

REBECCA ALLANOften the most impressive and captivating cytology smears, are the ones that require us to deliver the worst news and this case was no exception.Clinical history:An adult male budgie presented to the veterinarian with a 15-20 mm soft tissue mass in the upper femoral area of the left leg. He was non-weight bearing and […]

No Synacthen? What to do?

KATHRYN JENKINSWe have had a few enquiries recently regarding how to monitor Cushing’s, and how to diagnose Addison’s disease, when Synacthen (for ACTH stimulation testing) is difficult to obtain. So here is some information for you.Monitoring Cushing’s disease (when treated with Vetoryl/Trilostane):To monitor control of Cushing’s (in the absence of ACTH-stimulation testing), we can use […]

BVD testing simplified

BVD testing doesn’t have to be complicated. We have recently simplified our BVD testing options and updated the tests for various ages groups ensuring all details are up to date with the latest guidelines.Calves <35 days oldUp until recently, using antigen ELISA testing in animals less than 35 days-old was not recommended due to interference […]

Spring trace element testing

Now that spring has sprung we thought it a timely to remind you of the recommended trace element panels in our current price book. The suggested panels are examples of appropriate analytes for assessing what is happening in the dairy herd.Testing for trace element status is an important part of mineral supplementation plans on farm. […]

Case of the month

Clinical history:A one year-old, female horse presented with weight loss and diarrhoea.  She was euthanased, but was one of four horses that had died in the last 2 months on the same property (with a history of Salmonella, Cryptosporidium and Coronavirus on the farm).On post mortem examination pinpoint lesions were observed on the intestinal lining.  […]

When neutrophils are faking it

KATHRYN JENKINSWhen performing in-house haematology, or requesting a CBC from a reference lab, preparing a fresh blood film is important to help correctly identify an inflammatory response, and provides valuable prognostic information.A recent study demonstrated the startling artefactual changes that occur to neutrophil morphology with prolonged sample storage. The appearance of cytoplasmic Döhle bodies can […]