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Salmonella abortions in cattle

LISA HULME-MOIRThis month has seen two cases from the Northland and Taranaki districts involving late-term abortions due to Salmonella Bovismorbificans.In both instances, mixed-age dairy cattle were involved and in one case, eight of the nine cattle aborting did not show any observable clinical signs other than having dead near full-term calves. The aborted calves in […]

Case of the month

AMY WEEDENClinical history:An adult, castrated male, Oriental breed cat presented with severe diarrhoea and cachexia.  Abdominal ultrasound revealed several abnormalities to include mild diffuse small intestinal changes, moderate hepatopathy/hepatomegaly, bilateral chronic renal degeneration, and trace peritoneal effusion.Laboratory results:Serum biochemistry identified azotaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia with a moderate non-regenerative anaemia and an inflammatory leukogram on the CBC. […]

Case of the month

LISA HULME-MOIRClinical history:A 15-year old male, neutered Chihuahua presented with a large 6x5x3cm subcutaneous mass in the left inguinal region. A fine needle aspirate of the mass was submitted to the laboratory for cytology.Laboratory results:On cytology, the submitted slides contained many medium to large cells that were frequently arranged in rosette fashion around variably sized […]

Case of the month

KATHRYN JENKINSWe recently had a very rare case of suspected plasma cell leukaemia, with an initial clinical finding of marked hyperglobulinemia.Clinical history:After being missing for a week, an 8-year-old cat presented with a jaw mass. In-house biochemistry showed a marked increase in TP (125 g/L; reference interval (RI) 56 – 80 g/L), with a marked […]

Case of the month

REBECCA ALLANA palpable thyroid gland in an elderly cat equals hyperthyroidism, right? Not always!When we think of thyroid issues in adult cats we usually think of hyperthyroidism, however occasionally the opposite problem of hypothyroidism can occur. Coco a 15-year-old Burmese is a case in point.Clinical history:Coco presented to the veterinary clinic with a history of […]

Case of the month

BERNIE VAATSTRAClinical history:An 8-week-old male Domestic Shorthair rescue kitten died overnight three days after being castrated, vaccinated and transported. A post-mortem was conducted and samples collected for histopathology .Laboratory testing:Sections of heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, stomach and small intestine were unremarkable. Examination of the large and small airways of the lung revealed numerous nematode larvae […]

Acorn poisoning

– the season is approaching . . .ROB FAIRLEYEach year significant numbers of acorn poisoning cases are seen in our laboratories and almost always in calves. They often occur when feed is short and animals are driven to consume acorns, or because animals have been put into areas to clean rank grass out – areas […]


– disease summary and testing optionsJENNI DONALDWe have had enquiries about this condition recently and have seen cases in a Miniature Poodle, German Short-haired pointer and a Bulldog. The following is a summary of the disease and the testing options available both here and overseas.Cystinuria is a hereditary renal transport disorder involving cystine and other […]

Case of the month

CATHY HARVEYClinical history:Three-week-old puppies developed clear nasal and ocular discharge, but were still relatively bright and eating. The puppies were from the first litter of a dam that had one vaccination at 6 months of age. Two of the puppies faded and died over the weekend, and the other two were presented for veterinary examination, […]

Case of the month

MICHAEL HARDCASTLEClinical history:A three-year-old Collie cross had a two and a half year history of pruritic skin and ear disease. This included a dominant sternal rash that had been treated with a range of systemic medications, topical medications and dietary manipulation, but had never resolved; it crusted or flared intermittently. At presentation there was a […]