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Diagnostic integration – help us help you!

We are currently in the process of moving all ezyVet customers over to our complete integration system, giving practices access to our laboratory diagnostic testing directly via ezyVet.  This will improve clinic efficiencies and do away with manual handling of test requests and results. If you are an ezyVet customer and have not yet changed over […]

B12 testing issue – cattle

Our team have identified an instrument issue with our serum B12 analyser. This issue has caused some variability with results that are close to the limit of quantification (LOQ) for this test within the last 2 weeks. We are working with the instrument supplier to fix this issue, and until it is resolved we will […]

Lumps and bumps

CRISTINA GANSClinical historyA two-year old Jersey cow presented to the veterinarian with multiple cutaneous nodules of unknown duration, located throughout the body, although most were concentrated on the head and neck (Figure 1). Some nodules appeared ulcerated and may have been secondarily infected. Lymph nodes were not obviously enlarged. Other animals in the herd were […]

Toxic myth

ROB FAIRLEYWe often get requests to do histology of the liver to check for signs of toxicity. The belief that histology of the liver can be used as a gauge of intoxication is widespread and presumably results from thinking that because the liver is the common site of chemical detoxification it is always injured in […]

TSE surveillance – help protect New Zealand!

Biosecurity New Zealand conducts surveillance for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). This programme is vital to our animal products exports. If you see an animal with clinical signs compatible with TSE, please collect and submit samples to the programme.Important update for 2023Carcasses of animals entering the TSE Programme must be appropriately buried on-farm. Please advise your […]

Very ballsy

HANIA KLOBUKOWSKATesticular tumours are common in older entire male dogs, and a frequent cause for presentation at the local veterinary clinic. They can affect one or both testes, and it is not unusual to find more than one tumour in a testis. Testicular tumours are more frequently found in the right testis compared to the […]

That’s just nuts!

AMY WEEDENClinical historyA 9-year-old male Kelpie presented with a urinary tract infection, generalised alopecia, and pendulous nipples (Figure 1). A cystic prostate and an intra-abdominal mass (possibly consistent with a testicle) were identified on ultrasound. The dog had been adopted as adult with no surgical history and had a small scrotum with no descended testicles […]

Export testing

– submission requirementsAll export testing requests (whether for pre-entry export or for sending an animal overseas) must have the sample date clearly written on the submission form. This date is a MPI / AsureQuality requirement for all export reports.Not all labels printed in-clinic have the sample collection date in the details, so please ensure it […]

Eosinophilic surprises

KATHRYN JENKINSOn blood smear evaluation and in cytology, eosinophils have distinctive morphological features that make them easy to identify. However, this is not always the case. Here are some surprising tips about the humble eosinophil, and a case report when all was not as it seemed on the haematology analyser results.Typical eosinophilsEosinophil granules have an […]

Salmonellosis in indoor cats

CATHY HARVEY & LISA HULME-MOIRClinical historyAfter a short period of illness (quiet and hunched, with pale mucous membranes) an approximately 6 week-old female, intact pedigree kitten died despite supportive treatment.  At autopsy the liver was enlarged with rounded margins and light brown with a prominent reticular pattern. The spleen was enlarged (90×10 to 30×5 mm) […]