Newly identified microbes

ALICE FRASERWith the advancement in technology in diagnostics, many of you may be aware that Gribbles now use Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) equipment in microbiology.MALDI-TOF can be used for several different applications, but in microbiology we use it as a rapid method for identification of microorganisms using their species-specific protein patterns, which […]

Horsing around

BERNIE VAATSTRAClinical historyAn adult pony mare developed chronic progressive weight loss over the course of 9 months. Clinical examination revealed increased respiratory effort and a draining lesion of the right mandible with bony proliferation. Ultrasound examination and radiography of the lungs revealed multinodular soft tissue opacities throughout the lung fields. Biochemistry and haematology were unremarkable […]

Herd of facial eczema?

Summer is upon us and it is never too early to ensure plans are in place to protect the herd. To be effective, preventative measures need to be in place before Pithomyces chartarum spores are detected.For every clinical case of facial eczema you see, there will be at least 10 sub-clinically affected animals. Affected stock will […]

Got an itch?

GEOFF ORBELLThe onset of spring often coincides with an increased number of dogs, cats and horses presenting with pruritus and secondary skin and ear infections due to atopic dermatitis or feline atopic skin syndrome (FASS).The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is based on history, clinical presentation and ruling out other causes of pruritus including external parasites, […]

Tumour on the dark side

SUNAO FUJITAClinical historyA 15-year-old spayed female, domestic short haired cat presented with a large granulomatous-type lesion on the right upper lip. Fine needle aspiration of the mass and biopsy were performed, and the smears and fixed tissue were sent to the laboratory for cytology and histopathology.Cytologic findingsLarge numbers of round to sometimes spindloid cells were […]

Introducing your local laboratory managers

With the introduction of a new laboratory manager in our Dunedin laboratory in late September, we thought we’d take the time to reintroduce the entire laboratory management team.Auckland – Miriam ReddyMiriam has worked as laboratory scientist in medical and veterinary (haematology) laboratories in Auckland and the United Kingdom. She has worked in the field of […]

International recognition

Congratulations to Dr Emma Gulliver, a Pathologist at our laboratory in Auckland, who recently became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists.“Emma has joined a distinct group of around 2200 global members of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP), known as Diplomates” says General Manager James Richardson. “The Diplomate is an internationally recognised […]

Vitamin B12 method change

As mentioned in previous communications regarding changes to vitamin B12 testing, we are no longer able to reliably source the radioactive labelled Co57 required to carry out the RIA method for measurement of vitamin B12 in serum, plasma and liver samples.  Extensive comparative testing has been carried out over the last few months and validation of a new assay […]

What’s your diagnosis?

REBECCA ALLANClinical historyAn 11-year-old, female spayed, Shih Tzu presented at the veterinarian for a regular check-up. The owner asked for a recently discovered mass to be checked out. Palpation revealed a 12 mm, firm, subcutaneous, non-painful mass located on the left thigh. Fine needle aspiration of the mass was performed, and smears were submitted for […]

How galling

SANDY WELTANThe cat or dog that ain’t doing right. We all see those frustrating cases, slight lethargy, intermittent vomiting, abdominal pain, and non-specific abnormalities in biochemistry or haematology. Some may present acutely ill with jaundice and elevated liver enzymes. Tests for pancreatitis may or may not be positive and ultrasound may identify abnormalities in some […]