With the introduction of a new laboratory manager in our Dunedin laboratory in late September, we thought we’d take the time to reintroduce the entire laboratory management team.

Miriam has worked as laboratory scientist in medical and veterinary (haematology) laboratories in Auckland and the United Kingdom. She has worked in the field of pathology for over 15 years, and has been laboratory manager since 2022. Miriam can be reached by phone 09 574 4717 or email Miriam.reddy@gribbles.co.nz.

Palmerston North – Tara Gowland
Tara has worked as a laboratory technician in medical and veterinary (microbiology) laboratories since 2002. She had extensive technical and quality management experience before becoming the laboratory manager in 2019. Tara can be reached by phone 06 350 2944 or email tara.gowland@gribbles.co.nz.

Christchurch – Daniel Westlake
Daniel studied analytical chemistry and his scientific career has moved him around the United Kingdom and New Zealand working in various technical, scientific sales and management roles since. Dan has been managing the Christchurch laboratory since 2022. He can be reached by phone 03 363 6717 or email Daniel.westlake@gribbles.co.nz.

Denise has over 20 years laboratory experience predominantly in veterinary and analytical chemistry, and quality management. She has recently taken over the laboratory management role in Dunedin and can be reached by calling
03 489 2632 or email denise.carian-smith@gribbles.co.nz.
Your local laboratory manager is always happy to have a chat, discuss any diagnostic requirements, receive feedback or to help resolve any issues that might occur. Please feel free to reach out to them at any time.