We are updating the feline and canine reference intervals for our new state-of-the-art haematology analysers. In addition, we are working on reference intervals for new assays in development and new methods for existing assays. In order to achieve these goals, we need your help.
Thank you to everyone who has already submitted samples for this study! These studies take a lot of time and effort to accomplish, but once complete will help provide you with valuable information benefiting the health of your clients.
If you would like to help by providing samples for this study, this is what you need to know.
What we require:
1x EDTA blood and 1x serum (ideally a full 3mL serum tube) from each healthy individual. EDTA samples must be filled to the correct level in the tube.
What you get in return:
A CBC and biochemistry screen will be provided as a baseline minimum database for your healthy patient.

Criteria for inclusion:
· The animals MUST be healthy (e.g. staff pet, in for routine check-up, vaccination or desexing). There should be no history of even vague abnormal clinical signs.
· Not on any medication and no history of vaccination within the last 2 weeks.
· Animal to be fasted prior to taking blood.
· Age range: 12 months to 10 years.
· No pregnant animals.
· Not from an SPCA or pound (full clinical history must be known).
· No prior history of azotaemia or previous renal injury/disease.
· No sighthounds please.

Important notes:
1. Please ensure animals are fasted prior to taking samples. A number of samples received to date have been lipaemic, which are unfortunately unsuitable to be included in the study due to the adverse effect of lipaemia on the red blood cell parameters.
2. It is essential that the sample type and animal details comply with all the criteria above. Please do not send samples from animals that fall outside these parameters (they cannot be included in this study), and do not submit samples other than EDTA or red top tube. If the animal/samples do not comply, no free testing will be possible.
3. Please only send blood samples from each animal once. We cannot use data from retesting the same animal in this study.
How to participate:
If you’re able to provide us with samples for these studies, and can meet all the requirements listed above, please quote the appropriate test code below on your submission form along with a brief reason why the animal presented in clinic. Results will be issued to you in the usual format.
We thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions regarding this study, please contact your local laboratory – 0800 GRIBBLES.