Mastitis is estimated to cost the New Zealand dairy industry approximately $180 million a year (1).
Our new mastitis toolbox will enable you to reduce the cost of mastitis, by detecting cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis early allowing you to make informed treatment decisions. It provides you with the right tools to use in any farming situation.
The toolbox contains new tests together with trusted existing methods, providing you with the right tools to use in any farming situation. Sample types, testing turn-around times and pricing can be found in the latest version of our 2023 price book.

For more information talk to us today on 0800 474 225.
1. Dairy NZ
2. Yang D, Laven R. Performance of the StaphGold ELISA test in determining subclinical Staphylococcus aureus infections in dairy cows using a Gaussian mixture model. Vet. Med. Sci. 8:1632-1639, 2022