Our suite of PCR tests is an every expanding one as this technology becomes more mainstream. We are also able to offer real time PCR tests for the common agents associated with “pink-eye” lesions in cattle and sheep.
Real time PCR is particularly useful in cases where culture produces a heavy mixed growth of organisms (contaminants/normal flora) with no significant isolates identified.
In cattle, Moraxella bovis is considered the main causative agent of pink-eye. There is also a suggestion that Moraxella bovoculi and other pathogens such as Mycoplasma spp. and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) may facilitate Moraxella bovis-associated ocular colonisation or spread.
In sheep, a number of potential pathogens are associated with pink-eye lesions including Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Moraxella spp. and Chlamydophila spp.
The following PCR tests are now available (panels and individual tests) for pink-eye investigations.
Cattle pink-eye PCR:
· IBR plus Moraxella spp. PCR panel
· Moraxella bovis PCR
· Moraxella spp. PCR
Sheep / goat pink-eye PCR:
· Mycoplasma conjunctivae and Moraxella spp. panel
· Mycoplasma conjunctivae PCR
· Moraxella spp. PCR
· Chlamydophila pecorum PCR
The Moraxella spp. qPCR detects Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi and Moraxella ovis . Please note – determining antibiotic sensitivity still requires culture to be performed.
Sample requirements:
If possible take a swab of lacrimal secretions deep in the inner canthus of the eye, or swab of fluid from the conjunctiva and ocular surfaces of the eye. Send swabs in a sterile container e.g. red top vacutainer or in microbiological transport media. Pooling up to 5 swabs in the same sample container is acceptable.
If you have any questions regarding these tests, or would like further information, please refer to our current price book or just give us a call.