Feline pyothorax

BERNIE VAATSTRAClinical history:A two-year-old, domestic shorthair cat died on arrival at the veterinary clinic. The owner reported the cat had been unwell and produced brown, syrupy urine the previous day. Concern was raised about the possibility of malicious poisoning, since there had been a spate of suspicious cat deaths in the neighbourhood. The cat was […]

All that glitters is not gold

CATHY HARVEYClinical history:A six-month-old, female kitten was brought into a veterinary clinic with abdominal pain, lethargy and vomiting.  In-clinic bloodwork and urinalysis were consistent with acute renal failure: BUN / urea >50 mmol/L (ref. 6.6-12.6), creatinine 992 umol/L (ref. 67-150), phosphate >5.81 mmol/L (ref. 1.07-2.22) and USG 1.012.Treatment was not elected and the owner requested […]

An uncommon finding

SANDY WELTAN & CRISTINA GANSClinical historyBella, a 10-year-old female entire Shih Tzu presented for evaluation of abdominal distension. Aside from this, Bella was well at home, with no changes in appetite, water intake, urination or defaecation noted. Fourteen months prior, Bella had a cystic mammary lump surgically removed. Unfortunately, histology had not been performed for […]

A chronic cough

KAREN BAILEYClinical history:An animal rescue organisation uplifted a stray/feral entire female tabby, estimated to be about 10 years old. She had probably been feeding herself by hunting and scavenging.The cat was re-homed in a multi-cat rescue household and fed a variety of commercial cat food. She had several health issues including hind leg ataxia and […]

It mite be something interesting

REBECCA ALLANA recent case submitted to the Christchurch laboratory had us itching to reach a diagnosis.Clinical history:The patient was a 10-year-old Gypsy x Welsh Cob with longstanding inflammation of the pasterns. The veterinarian had taken skin scrapes and submitted smears to the laboratory for cytology.Laboratory findings:Examination of smears revealed a seething mass of mites in […]

Catching your breath

KATHRYN JENKINSClinical history:A 3-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel presented with a 4-5 week history of respiratory disease.  Radiographs demonstrated a diffuse interstitial lung pattern.  Fluid samples from a tracheal wash, material from the endotracheal tube and a FNA from the lung were all submitted for cytologic examination.Laboratory results:Cytology of the tracheal wash fluid revealed a […]

A tale of high drama

BERNIE VAATSTRALoki is a lively two-year-old male neutered English Springer Spaniel with a strong interest in food of all kinds, edible or otherwise. On a Friday evening on returning from work, Loki’s owner noticed him behaving unusually. He barked sharply at the car he usually recognises and approached with a swaying, uncoordinated gait.Clinical findings:Closer examination […]

The danger of grass awns come summer!

A 5-month-old English springer spaniel presented with pyrexia of unknown origin, in-clinic testing showing an increased WBC count and neutrophilia.  He was treated with Clavulox and his CBC had returned to normal by the last day of antibiotic therapy.He presented again a few days later with lethargy, but a normal temperature and CBC.  He responded […]

Case of the month

GEOFF ORBELLClinical history:Fourteen rising 1-year-old beef bulls and steers died suddenly over a 24-hour period five days after being yarded for drenching (pour-on) and castration. The cattle had been bought up from the South Island (in February) for finishing and had reportedly been previously vaccinated twice for clostridial disease prior to transport. Both castrated and […]

Case of the month

Clinical history:A seven-year-old female rabbit was presented for a  swelling on the right hind limb, which was worsening after being first noticed two weeks previously. At presentation, the rabbit had muscle atrophy in both hind limbs, with a hairless, nodular mass noted directly above the right calcaneus. The mass was sampled by fine needle aspirate […]