Diarrhoea and gut histo

ROB FAIRLEYWe have received several lamb and calf cases recently with post mortem samples from animals with diarrhoea. Here are some recommendations to ensure you get the most out of your cases, especially when sacrificing an animal for histological sampling of the gut.1. Immerse your samples of gut into formalin as soon as possible – within […]

Calf diarrhoea diagnostics

BERNIE VAATSTRA… the three P’s of broad-spectrum investigation.Calf diarrhoea is a frustrating and economically important disease responsible for more than half of all calf losses to weaning. Outbreaks are often multifactorial, involving interactions between infectious agents, calf and dam nutrition, environment, husbandry, and calf immunity. Successful treatment and prevention therefore require knowledge of the status […]