Call centre update

We implemented our new call centralisation system in August with the aim that all calls to our network be answered promptly and to a high standard of service.Thank you to customers who provided feedback on how this change has met your needs since it was implemented. As a direct result of this feedback, we will […]

Diagnostic integration – help us help you!

We are currently in the process of moving all ezyVet customers over to our complete integration system, giving practices access to our laboratory diagnostic testing directly via ezyVet.  This will improve clinic efficiencies and do away with manual handling of test requests and results. If you are an ezyVet customer and have not yet changed over […]

I see red, I see red, I see red!

We just love getting customer feedback, especially suggestions for improvement that will benefit many of our clients. The most recent  improvement is to molecular test reporting.You will now find positive, pool positive, detected, weak detect, high positive etc. results for molecular and BVD milk tests are highlighted in red font on reports.  This will ensure […]