Our news

Bad blood

AREFEH RAVANBAKHSHClinical historyA 12-year-old female spayed German Shepherd presented to their veterinarian for examination of a mammary mass. Approximately 11-months earlier, the patient had multiple mammary masses removed. Histological examination of the previous mammary masses had revealed mixture of benign and malignant mammary tumours.Approximately 10-months following surgery to remove the initial mammary masses, the patient […]

Anthelminthic resistance update

SARAH RIDDYThis report details the analysis of data submitted to Gribbles Veterinary laboratories for the season November 2022 to May 2023 for fully differentiated faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) from sheep.Data was obtained from cases that clearly identified the test anthelmintic and sample groups contained 10+ animals per treatment group. Data at genus level […]

Free testing available!

We are updating the feline and canine reference intervals for our new state-of-the-art haematology analysers. In addition, we are working on reference intervals for new assays in development and new methods for existing assays. In order to achieve these goals, we need your help.Thank you to everyone who has already submitted samples for this study!  […]

King’s birthday weekend

All of our laboratories will be open normal business hours on Saturday June 3, but will be closed on Monday June 5 to celebrate the King’s birthday.

Roll with the punches

GEOFF ORBELLWhen taking skin biopsies for alopecic conditions in animals, there are a few key points that can improve your chances of a diagnostic biopsy.The most important factor for alopecic skin biopsies is being able to determine the orientation of the hair follicles as we need to assess the entire length of the follicle to […]

Bonfires and calves

MICHAEL HARDCASTLEClinical historyThree Hereford weaners showed signs of staggering, hypermetria or recumbency and two died; one recovered with supportive care. There was possible access to cholecalciferol or cyanide, but the clinical signs were not considered consistent with those intoxications. The weaner mob had been kept in a paddock where rubbish had recently been burned.Laboratory findingsSerum […]

Mastitis toolbox

Mastitis is estimated to cost the New Zealand dairy industry approximately $180 million a year (1).Our new mastitis toolbox will enable you to reduce the cost of mastitis, by detecting cows with clinical and subclinical mastitis early allowing you to make informed treatment decisions. It provides you with the right tools to use in any […]

A little bit blue

KAREN BAILEYClinical history:An adult male kororā / little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) was brought to a wildlife hospital. On examination it was severely underweight at 805g (should be 1 – 1.2 kg) and had white mucous membranes. The PCV was 6% (normal 38-52%). An image from a blood smear (100x objective, 1000x magnification) is shown […]

Handle with care!

SUNAO FUJITAAmmonia (predominantly ammonium, [NH4]+) is largely produced in the gastrointestinal tract by gastrointestinal microflora that metabolize amino acids. The ammonia produced in the gastrointestinal tract is transported through the portal vein to the liver where the ammonia is converted to urea by the urea-cycle in the hepatocytes. Abnormal blood flow/structure or significantly reduced numbers […]

FECRT submission forms

Faecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) inform you about the drench resistance status of the parasite population on a specific property. This helps ensure the drenches in use are highly effective.We have had an outstanding uptake of our FECRT testing but  sometimes don’t receive all the information we require to generate the report. To make […]