Our news

CADET® BRAF testing

– accurate canine bladder and prostate cancer testCADET® BRAF evaluates urine samples from dogs for the presence of cells containing a mutation for canine bladder/prostate cancer (TCC/UC). It’s cutting-edge technology that is accurate and convenient for both veterinarian and pet owner.Achieve accurate and early diagnosis of TCC/UCCADET® BRAF is a highly sensitive test designed to monitor the b-raf mutation […]

Matariki long weekend

All of our laboratories will be closed on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June to celebrate Matariki – the start of a new lunar year. We will reopen on Monday morning ready for the new week.

Feline lung-digit syndrome

Rebecca AllanClinical historyAn otherwise well, 9-year-old male neutered domestic medium-hair cat, presented to the veterinarian after his owner discovered he had swollen crusted toes on one front foot and both back feet. Clinical examination revealed that affected toes were swollen, malodourous, with a necrotic appearance around the nail base (photos 1 and 2). The rest […]


Arefeh RavanbakhshPelger-Huët anomaly (PHA) is a genetic condition reported in numerous species characterised by nuclei hyposegmentation of granulocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils).Nuclei of granulocytes can appear oval, kidney-shaped, bean-shaped, band-shaped or bilobed.1 This anomaly has been described in dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, and humans.1 It is thought that a defect occurs at the stem cell […]

Update: Canine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Karen BaileyIn our February newsletter we advised you of a recent update to the interpretation guidelines for canine serum Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity (TLI) test results. These changes were provisional pending further studies to refine the clinical cut-off limits for diagnosis of canine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI).More information has recently become available confirming the original findings, whilst […]

King’s birthday weekend

All of our laboratories will be closed on Monday 3 June for the King’s birthday public holiday. Our laboratories will be open normal operating hours on Saturday.Enjoy the long weekend!

When is a swab more than a swab?

Geoff OrbellSometimes knowing which gel swab to use for a given sample type or pathogen can be confusing. ESwab® are quickly becoming popular in veterinary medicine as they are extremely versatile and can be used for a variety of cultures including:· Aerobic and anaerobic culture· Fastidious bacteria e.g. Nocardia sp., rapidly growing Mycobacteria and Chlamydiaceae· Gram stains· Fungal culture, […]

Exotic visitors

Sunao FujitaClinical historyAn 18-month-old, spayed, American Staffordshire Terrier recently presented at the veterinarian for lethargy and inappetence. Pale mucous membranes and pyrexia (39.9°C) were observed on physical examination. In-house CBC and chemistry revealed marked anaemia and mild hyperbilirubinemia, respectively. An EDTA sample was sent to Awanui Veterinary for a full CBC including blood film examination.Laboratory […]

Sheep poo required

Beef+Lamb NZ – Facial Eczema Three-Year Research StudyFacial Eczema (FE) costs the New Zealand economy a staggering $332 million dollars a year and is a challenge farmers are facing across the country.B+LNZ, along with our partners, are working to produce new solutions to tackle this devastating disease, but we need your help. It is easy […]


All of our laboratories will be closed on Thursday, 25 April for ANZAC day.Lest we forget.