Our news

A potential ‘dermergency’

Michael HardcastleIt has been said that “dogs never die from skin disease, but only itch forever”, however there are a few dermatological conditions that are linked to serious systemic lesions. One of them is a rare syndrome seen exclusively in Miniature Schnauzers, a case of which was recently suspected at Awanui Veterinary, Auckland.Clinical historyThe patient […]

Unstained melody

Sandy WeltanClinical historyA 10-year-old male, neutered, Turkish Angora cat presented with a soft but uneven textured lobulated subcutaneous mass on the rump. There was a history of a cat fight. Fine needle aspirates were submitted for evaluation.Laboratory findings:On initial examination on low power (Figure 1) it looked like a mesenchymal tumour, but what are the […]

Autumn essentials

Liver and serum sampling in the autumn, or at drying off, provides an opportunity to ensure herd trace element levels are appropriate heading into winter.The testing options below focus on the essential autumn trace elements – copper and selenium – but you can add to these or change them using other trace element tests available […]

Pathologist spotlight

We are very excited to recently have two fabulous new pathologists join our team. Let us introduce you to Wilson Karalus and Sandra Bulla.Wilson Karalus graduated from Massey University in 2013 and spent the first three years of his career in dairy practice in Canterbury. He then moved to Portland Oregon, USA and worked as […]

When big isn’t better

Lisa Hulme-MoirAlthough we only receive small numbers of cytology submissions from cattle, cytology can be a very useful tool for narrowing your differential list and helping determine an appropriate course of action, particularly if the lesion is unusual. The following is an example of a case where cytology enabled a diagnosis to be reached.Clinical historyThe […]

Splenic masses in dogs – differentials & diagnostic tips

Bernie VaatstraMany vets will be able to recount removing astonishingly large splenic masses from dogs. Splenectomy may occur in the context of an emergency – after splenic bleed or torsion, for example – or after detection of an incidental mass on palpation.Since it is difficult to determine malignant potential based on gross appearance alone, these […]

New qPCR assay for generic detection of Parapoxvirus

Saeed Sharif & David TisdallParapoxviruses (PaPVs; genus Parapoxvirus) infect a wide range of species generally causing localised cutaneous lesions. The genus comprises four species: Orf virus (ORFV), Bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV), Pseudocowpox virus (PCPV), and Parapoxvirus of red deer (PVNZ). The most common hosts of PaPVs are ruminants, including sheep and goats (infected by […]

Awanui day-to-day changes

Despite occurring a bit later than initially anticipated, we are very excited to have a new name and new look. Hand in hand with the name change are other changes which may impact you.  So here’s a run down of some things you may need to know:> The change is just in our trading name […]

Gribbles is now Awanui Veterinary

On 27 February we changed our name from Gribbles Veterinary to Awanui Veterinary. Same place, same service, same smile, with a new name.Our new name Awanui Veterinary, brings us together with the medical laboratory brands and network of services, laboratories, collection centres and people under a unified Aotearoa New Zealand name for the first time.Moving […]

Diagnosis of canine exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

Karen BaileyThere has been a recent update to the interpretation guidelines for canine serum Trypsin-Like Immunoreactivity (TLI).TLI is the test of choice for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in dogs. EPI occurs when there is inadequate synthesis and secretion of digestive enzymes by pancreatic acinar tissue, though clinical signs (polyphagia, weight loss, voluminous pale faeces etc.) […]